Coding Test


Pyspark is a coding language that is a combination of framework coding language and python coding language. Pyspark is one of the interfaces in apache spark of python. The pyspark is used to spark while using the python APIs. It also uses the pyspark shell for analyzing data in an isolated environment.

ITtutoria – Tutorial & Platform for Developers Pyspark

ITtutoria is a Tutorial & Platform for Developers. Which gives the tutorial for coding and many other types of software. ITtutoria is famous for its great tutorial on software especially coding languages and software like python, apache-spark, and Pyspark.

Pyspark tutorial of to convert string to date in Pyspark can be found on ITtutoria a Tutorial & Platform for Developers. The tutorial of how to convert string to date in Pyspark on ITtutoria a Tutorial & Platform for Developers is somewhat like this.

There is some method to convert string to date in Pyspark. These methods are to convert string to date in Pyspark with pyspark to_date () functions. In this function of conversion of string to date, there are two steps the first step is the General formula and the other step is the sample coding to convert string to date in Pyspark.

The second method is to convert strings to date pyspark in SQL and this method also have two steps. The first step is the general formal like the first step of the first method. And the other step is the sample coding to convert string to date Pyspark in SQL.

According to ITtutoria –Tutorial & Platform for Developers. The first method of converting string to date pyspark as the name shows is a function of pyspark. This helps you to convert strings formats of data to date formats it looks like this YYYY-MM-DDD.

And the syntax of the date format is like this 

1] To_date (col (“string_column_name”),”YYYY-MM-DD”)

  If you are using the above to_date () function of pyspark for a type of Data Frame then might have to convert the function that is needed for the conversion of strings into date and it looks like this.

1] From pyspark.SQL.functions import * 

2] Df2 = (col (“column_name”), to_date (col (“column_name”),”YYYY-MM-DD”).alias (“to_date”))

 And the conclusion or corresponding output of the date format will be.

1] ()

In this case, the df2 is the data model or the data frame of the date that will be converted from the string in pyspark. Now we will try to use the coding sample method f pyspark for the conversion of string to date.

First of all, we should use this formula with a simple data frame. After using it with a simple data frame the timestamps columns of data contains strings that are in the formats of YYY-MM-DDD.

Now we will convert the timestamp columns into the form of date columns by selecting all the timestamps and converting them to date converted. In this way, the simple coding converts the string’s format to_date and makes them in the form of a table.

The conversion of strings in SQL is quite similar to the above method. First, you have to do a general formula of the string. After that, you have to use the sample coding to convert strings to date in SQL. The sample coding will convert the string to date and arrange them in the form of a table. This means that you can convert string to date in pyspark and pyspark SQL using the to_date function.  

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