
We can all agree that summer is the best season of the year. Which is why despite all the crazy happenings brought about by COVID-19, one thing is for sure: summer is not cancelled.

It is true some of our favourite summer traditions have called off for everyone’s safety in the midst of the virus outbreak. Several resorts are closing doors, live concerts are not pushing through and not even firework shows are going to happen — so what’s left for summer?  

To brighten up your mood, there’s still a bucket full of activities that will let you taste the simple pleasures of the season. Maybe they’re right when they say that this is not the year to get everything we want but to appreciate what we still have. Lucky for you that you’ve gotten lots of things left in your bucket list. You just have to forget about the cancelled activities and focus on the wonderful things that you can still do while physical distancing at home. 

Now that summer is just around the corner, it’s time to welcome our favourite season with a whole new plan. If you are looking for something fun to do this hot season, we’ve got here ideas that are just as exciting as what you did last summer. Read on to find out what’s in the bucket. 

Have a mini-camp with s’mores.

group of people sitting on front firepit

Since everyone is at home, a campfire in the backyard will bring lots of fun to the whole family. Gather everyone on the ground with a bonfire in the centre and voila! —  an alternative camp is right outside the door. You can have s’mores and sausages all you want while singing campfire songs or sharing creepy stories under a starry night sky.   

Learn face painting. 

boy drawn Pokeball on his face

Face painting is more than just a fun pastime to survive the lazy days. This activity is a source of wonderful learning opportunities where both kids and adults can express their creativity through face paints, sponges and glitters. You can find lots of free tutorials on YouTube and online courses to sign up with if you want to learn this new skill.   

Play cricket. 

man in black fitted cap holding brown wooden board

Perfect for big families living in the same household — it’s time to bring out those old cricket pads you’ve been keeping for a long time. If you live near a sports ground or your backyard is just big enough to hold a cricket game, this activity is something your family can enjoy the whole summer.   

Grow a mini vegetable garden. 

bowl of tomatoes served on person hand

Get those healthy greeneries from your own farm to table and enjoy meals full of nutrients without paying out a cent. This activity is a great way to let your kids understand and appreciate the value of literally reaping the fruit of your own crops.  

Go fishing.

man standing on boat near fishing rods

You can take advantage of the best fishing spots in your area, but don’t forget to stay six feet away from your fellow fishers. It would be nice to include fishing in your bucket list especially when you want to embrace the warm weather outside with a cold beer in hand while waiting for your first catch. To make it more exciting, bring a griller with you and have a yummy brunch on a sailboat. 

Take a road trip.

orange van park beside tree

Because this season calls for long drives, grab the keys and hit the road with your family and everyone else in your support bubble. There’s nothing like seeing the world outside or watching the sunset uphill. Go find places away from the crowd and you’ll enjoy the rest of your summer days without catching the virus.   

By admin

Writing and blogging is my passion. Providing meaningful information to readers is my object.