I’m sure you know that the content on your blog is what determines whether or not your visitors stick around and come back to visit you again and again. If your content isn’t engaging, informative, or useful, then chances are good that you’ll lose those visitors as soon as they find another website that does have engaging, informative, or useful content on it. When it comes to creating great content for your business blog, the more tools you can use to make the process easier, the better off you’ll be in the long run.
Title Maker
In a hurry to create a title? TitleMaker is a quick and simple tool that can help you brainstorm and create interesting and relevant titles. Because it’s so easy to use, you won’t be wasting valuable time trying to think of an interesting or unique title. It works by pulling words from an existing body of text; it analyzes these phrases to see which ones are mentioned most frequently, then rearranges them in an attempt to make them fit together as part of your post title. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good at helping you come up with great ideas quickly.
Boost Your SEO with Article Writer Pro
All writers and bloggers know that SEO is key to attracting readers and engaging with an audience, but SEO can be difficult to master. To make your articles easier to find by search engines, consider using Article Writer Pro. With its simple interface, you can create a well-formatted piece of content in minutes.
No need to learn HTML or complicated coding; just add your keywords and Article Writer Pro will do all of that work for you! It’s like having an automatic search engine optimization tool right on your computer! Want more proof? Article Writer Pro comes highly recommended by major companies such as Google and Yahoo—so it must be pretty great!
Reduce Repetitive Work with Grammarly
If you want to write great content but don’t want to spend a lot of time, check out Grammarly. This tool allows you to edit text and automatically corrects over 250 different types of errors and mistakes. You’ll never have to worry about spelling or grammar again because Grammarly will fix it automatically with one click.
If your business is still small, you may not have an editor on staff who can help out with grammar and style issues; that’s where Grammarly comes in handy. Get back to what matters most by letting technology automate mundane tasks like editing so you can focus on more important things like content creation.
Better Social Media Posts with Buffer
While you’re getting your writing juices flowing, think about how you can use tools to make your content marketing campaign a success. Write short, sweet posts on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter that drive traffic back to your website. Sites like Buffer help you schedule out posts across multiple platforms so you can stay organized without thinking about it. When you’re trying to create engaging content that gets people talking, a tool like Buffer is an excellent investment of time and money in your business.
Easily Create Great Infographics with Canva
For many bloggers, infographics are becoming a must-have tool in their content creation arsenal. However, creating an infographic isn’t always as easy as it sounds. If you’re not familiar with graphic design software like Photoshop or Illustrator, it can be a real pain to learn how to use them just to get one project done.
Plus, if you don’t have access to those tools or you don’t want to go through all that trouble just to create an infographic from scratch, it can be tough to find something quick and easy—and free—to get your job done. If you need some help creating great infographics but don’t have time (or money) on your hands right now, try Canva.