download video YouTube ke MP3


Numerous music applications are available for download from the internet; nevertheless, let’s be honest: there are instances when we are unable to locate a certain song or remix… not even on a mobile application such as SoundCloud! Then, tools or software that facilitates the conversion of videos to MP3 is useful in such a situation. As we all know, YouTube is a very important video platform for Indonesians in nowadays. So, methods to “Download YouTube Videos to MP3”, which is called as “download video YouTube ke MP3”in Indonesian, is attracting more and more attentions. In this article, we will introduce several useful YouTube to MP3 converters for you. With the help of them, you can rip the audio and listen to them whenever you want, even if you’re offline.

Best YouTube MP3 Converters

  • YTBvideoly
  • VideoProc
  • Wondershare UniConverter


YTBvideoly is the most user-friendly tool for making audio files from YouTube videos. With just one click, you may convert YouTube to MP3 in addition to downloading a single HD video. It is an efficient YouTube converter online tool for PCs with Mac or Windows system and smart phones including both iPhone or Android and works with over a thousand other video-sharing websites. Use it to get high-quality videos up to 8K resolution or convert videos to audio files. Besides, with this converter, you can also quickly “unduh video YouTube MP4”, which is Indonesian meaning “convert audio to the MP4 format”, and download files without any limits. The most important thing is that this tool not only supports English, but also provide a special Indonesian language page, which is very friendly to Indonesian users.


It’s one of the greatest YouTube to MP3 converter software, with processing speeds up to 47x quicker than other video converters. You may also use this programme to download high-quality YouTube videos with resolutions up to 4K. It has an easy-to-use menu and one of the most advanced applications. It can convert to MP3, but it also has the ability to extract audio files losslessly. Besides, the platform, like many others, offers both a free and paid version. However, the free vision can only download YouTube videos that are less than five minutes long.

Wondershare UniConverter

This is the most comprehensive YouTube MP3 converteron the list. It’s worthwhile to investigate if you have needs beyond simple video-to-MP3 conversions. You may quickly convert between different formats, download numerous movies or a whole playlist, enjoy a streamlined user experience, and use the included DVD authoring and browser features. It’s fantastic, but that’s not all. The audio and video may be edited as well. Eliminating background noise, altering or eliminating the voice, etc., are all options. You may also create your own introductions and endings for your videos. In addition to that, they have a GIF creator, a VR, and an image converter built right in. It is accurate to claim that the functionality is on a significantly higher level than that of the majority of its rivals.

Bottom Line

Over the past few decades, technology has advanced quickly. The way we consume and listen to music has likewise swiftly altered. We were all listening to vinyl records and later CDs of music not all that long ago, it seems. Now, we enjoy music on YouTube. Fortunately, the advent of the internet also triggered the appearance of video to MP3 converters. From YTBvideoly, VideoProc to Wonder share UniConverter, there are numerous excellent converters. What we recommended among them is YTBvideoly, the YouTube MP3 Converter is simpler to use and can handle many different video formats.

By admin

Writing and blogging is my passion. Providing meaningful information to readers is my object.