quercetin phytosome


How does quercetin phytosome benefit the immune system? The antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties of quercetin phytosome support our immune system. Besides supporting our immune system, it has also been shown to prevent the development of degenerative brain disorders. According to scientists, brain-related diseases are often associated with oxidative stress, a state of imbalance of free radicals in the body. It is still unclear whether quercetin has this property, but it certainly helps the immune system.

Inhibition of NF-kB transcription factor

The flavonoid quercetin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and suppresses the NF-kB pathway. Quercetin is well-known for its antioxidant activity in radical scavenging and anti-allergic properties, which include immune system stimulation, antiviral activity, inhibition of histamine release, reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, and leukotriene production, and suppression of interleukin IL-4 production. These compounds can be found in plants, fruits and vegetables, spices, and nuts. Their role is to regulate cell transformation, survival, and proliferation. 

Researchers at the University of Washington discovered that quercetin inhibited the activity of the NF-kB transcription factor and decreased the synthesis of COX and LOX. These enzymes convert arachidonic acid to metabolites that activate the immune system. When quercetin inhibits these enzymes, it decreases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which play a vital role in the immune system. Another benefit of quercetin is its ability to modulate the Th1/Th2 balance and the production of cytokines. This antioxidant also influences GATA-3 gene expression. 

Inhibition of the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes

Quercetin, a plant polyphenol, inhibits some cellular processes. It suppresses several inflammatory pathways and functions. In human cells, quercetin inhibits the activity of multiple intracellular signaling kinases and phosphatases. It has also shown biphasic behavior in basophils. Inhibition of the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes by quercetin has important implications for regulating immune response and disease.

Inhibition of the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes is a primary target of quercetin, a polyphenol derived from plants. It has multiple biological activities, including attenuation of platelet aggregation, capillary permeability, and lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, quercetin positively impacts immune function, but further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism of action. Recent studies have suggested quercetin may be useful in combating the effects of multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system characterized by extensive demyelination and neurodegeneration.

Protection against degenerative brain disorders

Quercetin protects neurons from oxidative injury by decreasing lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, due to its antioxidant qualities, quercetin reduces the fibril production of A proteins, hence inhibiting cell lysis and inflammatory cascade pathways. It has been shown to protect against neuroinflammation by decreasing nitric oxide (NO) generation in microglial cells, which leads to the suppression of NF-B signaling and the prevention of inflammatory-related neuronal damage. There are many ways to benefit from quercetin, but one of the best is its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds support the immune system and may help prevent degenerative brain disorders. Many brain disorders are associated with oxidative stress, which happens when free radicals build up in the body. Researchers believe quercetin can combat free radicals, which may help prevent degenerative brain disorders.