
A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do for your health and well-being. Losing calories, getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet are all important factors in achieving a prosperous weight. A healthy lifestyle includes a nourishing diet that is low in calories and that is also low in sugar and processed foods. The many benefits that you can reap from this are lower cholesterol, controlled blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, less stress on bones and joints, and a healthier heart.

Important factors in achieving a healthy weight.

How would you know if you have a healthy weight? The simple yet intuitive answer is to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 18 and below 25. A healthy weight is also one that is neither too overweight nor too underweight. Here’s what you need to know about BMI to become the best version of your body.

BMI and Its Importance

BMI or Body Mass Index of a person is a calculation based on the weight and height of a person to render them overweight or underweight. Obesity is a major issue today and it is projected to become a global problem in the future that requires some attention to help people achieve a healthy weight. To be able to conclude that some help is required, proper knowledge of BMI is essential.

The formula that this method uses is–

BMI = weight in pounds *703 / (height in inches * height in inches)

Nevertheless, why is it so important to maintain your Body Mass Index?

Increased BMI makes people susceptible to various conditions–

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • liver disease
  • kidney disease
  • arthritis
  • sleep apnea
  • high blood pressure

BMI is certainly not a great indicator of health as a single metric. However, it remains an excellent place to begin for significant illnesses that are more prevalent in those who are overweight or obese.

Reasons Why You Should Have a Weight-Loss Specialist

Weight loss isn’t a simple process of starving yourself to lose weight or working out extensively. If anything, these changes are often the exact opposite of the things that are healthy for your body. You may not even discern significant changes in your weight and yet would find yourself tired and weary.

Here are the top reasons why you should consult a weight-loss specialist.

  • They will always counsel you when you need it without demotivating you on your journey to a healthier you. Weight loss is a slow procedure and can seem strenuous and stressful to some. Throughout the process, you might lose your confidence and become downhearted. Your specialists make sure to lift you at such times.
  • They come with experience and knowledge to guide you through the right path. They are familiar with the various diet programs that can work for you. Additionally, you can deter any stumbling blocks coming your way.
  • Studies suggest that people who engage one-on-one with a personal trainer as part of an organized weight-loss strategy are far more effective.

Get in touch with your weight specialist to find the best solutions to losing weight and keeping it off.