
Healing with medicinal herbs has accompanied humanity from its cradle. The forest was the first pharmacy to which our ancient ancestors turned for help. This pharmacy is not like a regular one. There is a big and rich choice of medicines in a natural pharmacy, but there are no labels. And there are a lot of poisonous plants that can look attractive. Our ancestors most often followed the empirical path – the path of risk and error. Fortunately for us, we have enough information today, and we know which plants can bring us a lot of benefits. It is up to us to use it in the service of our health. Here is the list of some of the Most Powerful Medicinal Plants.


The medicinal properties of eucalyptus are recognised by both official and traditional medicine. These evergreens belong to the Myrtle family. The genus has more than 700 species, including shrub species and trees. Most of the eucalyptus trees grow in Australia, while only 15 species are known outside the continent. Only 9 of them are not of Australian origin.

Medicinal properties of eucalyptus:

Antiseptic and bactericidal. Organic hydrocarbons aromadendrene and phellandrene, in contact with oxygen molecules, form ozone (O3). It destroys many harmful bacteria inside the body and on the skin, including mutated forms that are resistant to antibiotics.

Antiparasitic action. Eucalyptus is capable of destroying helminths and is used to expel parasites, it is effective against adults and eggs.

Soothing and analgesic effect, including pain caused by spasms.

The substances contained in eucalyptus normalise the production of insulin by the pancreas, which helps to lower blood sugar. 


The medicinal properties of this herb were already known to Hippocrates and since then have been widely used in medicine around the world. Oregano contains perfectly balanced valuable components, thanks to which it is so loved by physiotherapists around the world:

-ascorbic acid;


-essential oil;


-vitamins A, D, K, PP, group B;





The essential oil contains natural antibiotics  carvacrol and thymol.


Licorice has been known to doctors since antiquity, and the most useful part of the plant is the root. It is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, due to the fact that the plant has a unique composition of components. However, in the use of licorice root there are certain nuances that you should know about in advance, so as not to provoke side effects and complications when taken.

The medicinal properties of licorice root are determined by its unique composition of biologically active components. The plant contains compounds such as asparagine and glycyrrhizin, as well as a number of acids – glycyrrhizic, ascorbic, glycyrrhetinic and some others, which form the main effect on the body. In addition, the plant contains coumarins, terpene compounds (saponins), sterols and bioflavonoids. Also, licorice root is rich in mineral components – iron, copper, aluminum, selenium, zinc, manganese, potassium and others.

The composition of this plant is supplemented with essential oils, pigments, tannins, polysaccharides.


The plant belongs to the Hemp family and is known for its pronounced psychotropic properties. When used correctly, it has a curative effect in certain diseases.

The plant contains substances that have a therapeutic and intoxicating effect on the human body. Scientists emphasise that it contains more than four hundred components. The largest percentage is accounted for by: 

Cannabidiol. Does not show psychotropic properties. Calms the nervous system, relieves painful spasms, improves night sleep. It has a positive effect on the body in the presence of inflammatory processes – it blocks their spread and accelerates recovery.

Cannabinol. It is known as a natural analgesic. Provides prevention of heart attacks, vascular crises. Reduces high intraocular pressure. Useful for arterial hypertension.

Cannabichromene. Provides an analgesic effect comparable to opioids in severity.

Cannabigerol. An ingredient that has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

From a good quality cannabis growing in Australia you can get:

-Seeds. Protein source. Contain nine complete amino acids. Useful for muscle deficiency, heavy physical exertion.

-Hemp oil. It is obtained from seeds by cold pressing. Used both internally and externally. The composition is considered a valuable dietary product. Includes palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic acids, vitamins, amino acids, phytosterols, carotene.

-Oilcake. Remains after processing the plant to obtain hemp oil. Rich in phytin – a phosphorus compound that strengthens bones, helps with anemia, diathesis, neurasthenia.

 St. John’s wort 

This powerful plant has been used in medicine since antiquity. St. John’s wort is included in the official pharmacopoeia. Dry raw materials are part of pharmaceutical herbal preparations, natural preparations, and are used independently.

This is a real natural concentrate of medicinal substances. St. John’s wort contains:






-essential oils;

-nicotinic, ascorbic acids, tocopherol, carotene and other vitamins;

-iron, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, copper, zinc, phosphorus.

The complex of biologically active compounds in it is ideal for the treatment of various pathologies. St. John’s wort is effective against heart diseases, reproductive system, biliary and urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system. Its components have antimicrobial, antirheumatic, diaphoretic, antihelminthic, analgesic effects, relieve inflammation, fever, edema, accelerate the healing of damaged mucous membranes and skin, and strengthen the immune system. 


Even our ancestors noticed that plants have medicinal properties. Medicine has stepped forward, but natural ingredients are still widely used in medicine. Despite the many synthetic medications we use, we must not forget the benefits that nature provides us.

By admin

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