SEO trends for 2020SEO trends for 2020


As online competition continues to increase and new websites launch, it’s time to take a turn at our content marketing and SEO positioning investment strategy. 

 You must know what SEO trends are on the horizon to be able to update your website accordingly, taking into account these new guidelines set by search engines. In this way, you ensure that more prospects and customers find you in the search engine results.

Therefore, we are going to introduce ourselves in the 7 SEO trends that we consider most relevant for 2020.

SEO trends for 2020 

1. Rich snippets to get more clicks from search results.

Google has evolved in recent years to offer a better search experience to the user, such as through featured results. These outstanding results usually appear above the organic result number 1, commonly called “Position 0”.

The highlighted fragments are evaluated and elevated to this first position based on their quality, with Google determining this quality and what result it should put there.

They represent a great opportunity for content creators as it gives you the ability to generate more organic traffic even if you are not in the number one position.

2. Using influencers for SEO

People are often inundated with intrusive ads and are looking for information they can trust and authentic criticism. This has led to an increase in influence marketing.

People are much more likely to engage with a respected and known person than with an ad. Digital marketing professionals and media companies are increasing their investment in influencer marketing because it has produced excellent results.

At first glance, you might be wondering how this relates to SEO.

Hiring or partnering with an influencer can help you expand the reach of your content and drive even more traffic to your website.  As you know, backlinks are one of the most important factors Google uses to assess the ranking of a web page.

When developing your influencer marketing strategy, consider what type of content you want them to create and how you can link to your website. And be sure to partner with influencers who are relevant to your industry and your target audience. If you are an authority figure with a strong digital presence, the return on investment can turn out to be very important.

If you invest in influencer marketing, not only will you improve brand awareness and generate leads, but it will also boost your website’s positioning on search engines.

3. Secure websites are a must

User safety is another trend that doesn’t seem to have much to do with SEO, but is very important to the website user experience. If a user does not feel safe when visiting a web page, it is very likely that he will leave quickly.

If they see a “Not Safe” warning appear, they may decide not to navigate your page. As a result, high bounce rates could affect that page’s position in the organic search result.

It is important to enable HTTPS protocol for your site. HTTPS offers website users a secure connection that is both encrypted and authenticated.  Google wants to offer its users a safe browsing experience, so those who implement HTTPS may experience a small SEO boost.

If you are trying to collect personal information from your users on your website through a web form, you have a responsibility to protect your privacy.

It is extremely important to assure your users that their data will be protected for as long as they remain on the page.

There are still many vulnerabilities on the web, but every day there are new security measures that can be implemented on your own website.

4. Websites are optimized for voice search

Before the existence of innovative smartphones, people searched by typing words into the search engine boxes of their desktop computers. 

These searches are not only done on phones, but can also be done on home voice assistants like the Amazon Echo, Samsung Smart TV, Voice Pod, etc.

But how do SEO voice searches change?

Voice searches affect SEO to a great extent, as it involves asking questions through the voice rather than entering search queries. Consequently, the terms have become more conversational and specific.

However, when voice searches are used, the search engine must work much harder to get the relevant information that the user is currently searching for, making short keywords no longer as important compared to long tail searches. .

This change is imminent considering that by 2020 it is expected that more than 50% of all Internet searches will be initiated through voice. Therefore, your content must adapt to this new trend to stand out in today’s search engines.

Is the idea of ​​redefining your digital marketing strategy to include voice search driving you crazy right now? It is normal, since it requires an experience that most SEO professionals do not yet have.

5. Mobile UX will determine the positions and rankings

A website that does not have a mobile version may lose the majority of its users in the coming years, as mobile websites are a growing trend that will become even more popular in 2020. Especially since more people worldwide are getting smartphones as more cell phone towers with better connectivity are being built.

However, the technology and the way people find information through their mobile devices is so advanced that having a mobile website is not enough: the interface has to be easy to read, capture people’s attention, and then have the ability to answer their questions or at least keep them entertained.

Since there are more people searching from their smartphones than from a computer, it is important to have a mobile version so that your website reaches the largest number of people interested in your product.

And keep in mind that the higher you are in Google’s mobile page index, the more prominent your page will be.

6. Videos as a source of information

Just as voice searches are becoming much more popular, Internet video is also increasing exponentially. Studies by Google and other organizations show that 6 out of 10 people prefer to watch videos online than television. In many ways, it seems that YouTube has become the new television.

Today’s Internet users, especially millennial and younger ones, prefer to obtain information through online videos, either for academic or simply for entertainment purposes. Therefore, the implementation of online videos should be on the radar of most companies. A quality video can appeal to many users if it is dynamic and does not put viewers to sleep.

But how does this affect SEO?

To do this, use appropriate keywords in the description and headline of your video, which will ensure that the video reaches the largest number of people who are interested in that topic.

Do you want to implement video in your digital marketing strategy but don’t know where to start? Honey Web Solutions SEO Services can help!

7. CTR and Dwell Time will become important ranking factors

As people get used to fast internet connections and information at their fingertips, website and email click through rates (CTRs), and dwell time (also known as the amount of time a person passes on a web page before leaving) will be even more important to the success of your SEO efforts.

The length of time someone stays on a page or other links the person clicks can inadvertently tell the marketer how interested they are in your content and whether they are finding the information they need.

Time spent on a page generally indicates how satisfied a person is in finding what they are looking for. We hope that search engines will give more time to stay in 2020.

One thing to note is that in SEO, the dwell time is different from CTR in that CTR tracks the number of people who clicked on a link based on the number the SERP saw, while the dwell time is more interested in what people do after clicking on the page, not the number of people who click on it.


SEO is very important today for companies, regardless of industry. Although this is not just about keyword usage, it also involves optimizing content for users.

This ensures that all users can get their questions answered in minutes (or even seconds).

If you’re already familiar with these trends, then it’s great, it’s time to duplicate them so you can generate more targeted traffic from Google. But if you still have questions and need help with SEO services, speak to one of our SEO experts today.

By admin

Writing and blogging is my passion. Providing meaningful information to readers is my object.