Yoga for Pelvic Floor


The pelvic floor comprises muscles and connective tissues. However, Every one of you might have heard about pelvic floor exercises and their importance. But you should be aware that yoga for the pelvic floor benefits the mind, helps in relaxation, and improves balance. Further, According to Dr. Chirag Bhandari, yoga for the pelvic floor is the sex tip for men and helps improve stamina and performance in bed.

How Do You Find The Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Stopping or slowing the flow of urine when using the restroom is one of the simplest ways to locate the pelvic floor. You have found your pelvic floor if you can effectively complete this a few times.

According to Crouch, the following is another effective method for engaging the pelvic floor muscles:

  • Kneel with your feet on the ground and inhale.
  •  Gently exhale, draw in the muscles of your lower abdomen, and contract the muscles surrounding your urethra as if you were trying to stop gas or urine. Those with a vagina can also concentrate on elevating or tightening the muscles surrounding it.
  •  Now, hold for a while and then relax. Your pelvic floor muscles should loosen and drop.

What are the yoga exercises for the Pelvic Floor?

Check out the five fantastic pelvic floor yoga that will give you control over your bladder, create strong abs, strengthen the pelvic floor, and increase blood flow.

1. Mountain pose (Tadasana)


When breathing deeply (inhale), elevate both arms by interlocking your fingers while remaining firmly planted on the ground. To feel the pressure of stretching from your toes to your fingers, stand on your toes while simultaneously lifting your heels.

Hold this position for as long as possible, taking slow, deep breaths. After a few moments of relaxation, release and return to the starting position while breathing deeply (exhale) and repeat the pose as desired.


Tadasana is a deep breathing practice that strengthens the spinal column, the heart, and the lungs. It also increases height and develops and activates the nerves throughout the body. Additionally, it helps women regulate their menstrual cycles, treats dyspepsia in all practitioners, strengthens the arms and legs, combats drowsiness, and lessens the issue of flat feet.

2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)


Firstly, Keep your back straight, feet together, and arms by sides. Please inhale deeply and lift your arms before folding them in the namaskar mudra in front of your chest.

Flex your knees to mimic sitting on a chair as you exhale. Straighten your back and lower your tailbone to enter the ideal position.

Try to maintain the stance for 15 to 20 seconds before relaxing it. Return to the beginning posture while exhaling.


Yoga’s Utkatasana, also known as the chair pose, is well known for treating flat feet because it strengthens the back and hip flexors while stretching the shins and Achilles tendons. Additionally, it stimulates the heart and digestive system. It relieves tension in the shoulders and aids in correcting bad posture.

3. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)


Legs spread 3 to 4 feet apart as you stand up. While retaining your left foot at a 45-degree angle, position your right foot at a 90-degree angle with the toes pointed out. Please raise your hands to shoulder height while keeping them perpendicular to the floor.

While bending your right knee, look at your right hand. Keep your right thigh parallel to the ground and your hips square. For 10 to 15 seconds, maintain the posture, then let it go.


The Warrior II, or Virabhadrasana II In addition to stretching your hips, groins, and shoulders and energizing tired limbs, Pose two also improves stability and balance. Additionally, it stimulates the abdominal organs.

4. Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

When stretching and relaxing the pelvic floor are the main objectives, the Happy Baby Pose is a fantastic supplement.

  • Firstly, Lie down on the ground and bend your knees.
  •  The soles of your feet should be pointing up as you bend your knees at a 90-degree angle toward your belly.
  • Grab your foot from the inside or the outside.
  •  Your knees should be more comprehensive than your torso when standing. Next, raise your feet until they are close to your armpits. 
  • Flexing your heels and shoving your feet into your hands. 

5. Locust pose (Salabhasana)

This posture works three muscles for the price of one: the glutes, buttocks, and pelvic floor.

With your knees together and your arms by your sides, lie flat on your mat or towel on your stomach. Place your forehead and nose softly on the carpet. Breathe and raise your knees, feet, arms, and upper body off the ground. Squeeze your glutes, buttocks, and stomach muscles to lift everything off the ground. Hold for around 30 seconds while keeping your legs parallel to the floor, and then gradually lower yourself back down. Keep going as necessary.

The great thing about these poses is that they are easy to perform at home, and you can unwind and disconnect from the stress every day by paying attention to your breath, being attentive, and connecting with your body.


Here are the five unique pelvic floor yoga techniques that will help you strengthen your muscles. However, yoga not only helps pelvic muscles but there are many other benefits too. It helps with constipation, pelvic discomfort, urinary emergency, sexual intercourse, back pain, abdomen pain, etc. So, follow the above tips and improve your sex life and body. Read More Articles at absbuzz.

By Alex Mike

I am Tom Austin an SEO expert and content writer. Visit - TravelFoxx