4 Most Common Types of Drug Addiction Treatment Centers


The struggles that go along with substance addiction are hard to understand unless you or someone close to you has experienced them.

People who are unfamiliar with the issues associated with this debilitating disease cannot fathom why you can’t just simply “quit”.

Unfortunately, that type of ignorance only creates more stigma for people suffering from these problems. However, when you perform an online search using such terms as “drug treatment centers near me”, you will find that there are many places that not only understand what you are going through, but are also able to help.

Here are 4 of the most common treatment facilities for drug addiction:

1. Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

Dual diagnosis treatment centers (also known as co-occurring disorder treatment centers) are specialized facilities that provide treatment for individuals who have both a substance use disorder and a mental health condition.

This can include disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, among many others. These types of facilities can be commonly found using the same “drug treatment centers near me” search as any other type of recovery program.

2. 12-Step Based Treatment Centers

These treatment centers offer programs that are based on the 12-step model of recovery, originally created by AA. The 12 steps are a series of principles that outline a specific plan for recovering from addiction.

The steps involve admitting powerlessness over one’s addiction, accepting help from a higher power, and making amends with family, friends, as well as anyone else who may have been harmed by their addiction.

Many substance abuse treatment centers use the 12-step model as the basis for their treatment programs and may incorporate elements such as group therapy, individual counseling, and educational classes into their treatment plans.

3. Evidence-Based Treatment Centers

These treatment centers are facilities that use methods that have been shown through scientific research to be effective in helping people overcome substance abuse and addiction. These centers typically offer a range of services, including individual and group therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and support for other related issues such as generational addiction in families.

4. Faith-Based Treatment Centers

These treatment centers are substance abuse treatment programs that incorporate spiritual practices and principles as part of their approach. They may be affiliated with a particular religion or spiritual tradition and may incorporate elements such as prayer, meditation, and worship into their programs.

Some faith-based treatment centers may place a strong emphasis on the role of a higher power in recovery and may encourage individuals to turn to their faith for strength and support during treatment and beyond.

In addition to spiritual practices, faith-based facilities may also offer a range of evidence-based treatments such as individual counseling, group therapy, and medication-assisted treatment.

Searching Online for “Drug Treatment Centers Near Me” That Are Right for You

No matter which type of treatment center is most appealing to you, the most important thing is simply taking the first steps toward making your recovery a reality. Understand that you are a human being who has worth and value, and you deserve to get better and live a happy and fulfilling life.