The number one reason why cheap Hair extensions are expensive is they do not last for long.
Virgin Hair extensions have become a popular add-on in many women’s wardrobe; the extensions business is booming, with more manufacturers now producing hair extensions.
However, there are many renowned companies Like Indique Hair, Hair Factory, Diva Divine Hair, Remy human hair that sells genuine Remy virgin hair weaves. They also have premium Virgin hair extensions, ensuring you receive value for your money. To avoid non-Remy hair, make purchases in the selected beauty shops as well as the luxury online shop.
Unfortunately, not all manufacturers produce quality hair weaves. And though cheap extensions are a quick fix, they are far more expensive.
Join in as we delve deeper into five reasons why cheap hair extensions are expensive.
- They do not Last Long.

Useful virgin hair bundles should last from 1 to 2 years, while a cheap extension will last from 3 to 6 months. Cheap hair extensions are mass-produced, and because of this, the quality is compromised. And this, in turn, leads to natural tangling, which destroys the sheen and beautiful look of the extensions.
2. They Tangle after a Few Washes

Most cheap extensions have silicone, which helps to keep the hair shiny, and after several washes, the silicone wears off, and the hair starts tangles. On tangling, the hair loses its beauty, and as a result, you will need to get a new extension.
Having a dull, hard to comb extension is not the idea, and this may lead to more purchases. It is essential to invest in 100% virgin human hair that retains its natural luster even after several washes.
3. They do not Maintain Curls.

In some cases, hair extensions are used to add volume, and one ideal hairstyle to increase the volume is curls. Just like the tangling effect after few washes, curled extensions lose the curls after several washes. One of the easiest ways to ensure you achieve natural curls from extensions is by investing in 100% virgin human hair.
4. Extra Hair Products

Your natural hair requires oils to stay healthy. It is easy to get low quality hair products for cheap hair extensions. However, using these low-quality hair products might do your hair more damage. You might need to invest more in quality hair products.
Natural oils from the scalp quickly spread to the tips of the hair, ensuring your hair not only stays healthy but looks nice, however hair extensions, on the other hand, do not readily absorb oils and thus necessary to apply oil from the tips.
In addition to the extra care, one needs to invest in quality hair products that help maintain the luster.
5. May Cause Damage to Your Natural Hair

When used for long, hair weaves can severely damage your hair. The effect is even worse with cheap hair extensions, which may subsequently mean more money on retaining your natural hairs’ look. It is essential to consult with your hairstylist and follow the correct care and maintenance procedures.
Hair extensions are a great way of having a glamorous look and adding volume to your hair. However, with an increase in hair extensions manufactures, it is sometimes hard to distinguish quality best virgin human hair from cheap non-Remy hair extensions. Thus, it is essential to shop from a renowned hair dealer to avoid buying low-quality extensions.