Water Heater InstallationWater Heater Installation



When a new house is built, one of the essential things considered is the appliances installed to give oneself a normal lifestyle. Water is a basic necessity that is used in many ways. Water is used to take showers, but when it comes to preventing the problems that occur due to the seasonal water conditions, it becomes essential to use the water heater to prevent cold showers in winters.

In this regard, it is essential to install the water heater suitably to prevent specific problems. To prevent the loss, it is essential to get informed about specific things you need to know before installing a water heater in your house. Water heater installation provides you with a luxurious offer to consume warm water. Apart from consuming warm water in winters, it is also good to consume warm water for many other reasons that prove to be beneficial for your body. So the consumption of warm water cannot be underestimated in any condition.

The Importance of Water Heater Installation

It is essential to ensure the suitable water heater installation to prevent any financial loss because any improper installation may lead to an electrical failure or severe loss.

Water Heater Maintenance

Maintenance of anything is essential to ensure that it is working correctly, it is not only for the water heater, but it implements to all the electrical appliances. Maintaining a water heater increases the life span of the water heater and reduces the electric cost. It would help if you cleaned the heater entirely once a year. At the same time, you were doing this to stop the electric supply to the heater and considering taking off the cold water inlet before doing this. For a better experience, consider insulating the pipes.

The maintenance of the temperature is as essential as any other thing required to maintain the water heater. Moving the temperature below 120 degrees can be the best option as it reduces the cost of electricity. Last but not least, consider using the anode rod to increase the lifespan of the water heater.

Extending the LifeSpan of the Water Heater

The standard lifespan of the water heater ranges from 12 to 15 years, depending on the factors used to maintain a water heater and the brand a person prefers when buying a water heater. However, a tankless water heater provides a life span of 2 to 3 years longer than the one with a tank. The sediment build-up is something that causes a decrease in the lifespan of the water heater.

Do these four things to help the water heater to increase its lifespan:-

  • Installation of a second anode rod
  • Installation of the expansion tank
  • Regular monthly cleaning of the tank
  • Installation of a Pressure Regulating Valve

Essential Requirement for the Installation of the Water

The nature of the water heater installation depends on different factors, such as installing the heater in a small apartment or having a big house that needs a water heater installation. If you are installing the heater at a new location, the work and efforts for the installation may be quite more complex than the one you intend to replace.

  • Getting the heater delivered to your doorstep is probably the first step to install a water heater. 
  • Unboxing of the water heater very carefully without expecting any loss.
  • Determining the right place or location for the installation of your water heater.
  • Requirement of 6 feet or above discharge tubes or water pipes.
  • Testing the new water heater
  • Installation of the conversion material

Before installing the water heater one should implement and consider the above-mentioned points.


The installation of the new water heater or replacing the existing one can be very hectic due to the requirements. It would help if you were very careful when installing the water heater because any carelessness in the installation can lead to disastrous results. Take the installation guide from the professionals to avoid any failure.


Tampines Street 83, # 05-67 Block 884, Singapore 520884

Email:    support@plumbersingapore.org

Phone:  6797 8814

By admin

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