To get a rich sound, you need good headphones. The term “good” means different things for everyone: there is no reference variant to be compared to. I’ll tell you what you should pay attention to when you choose new “earphones”.
Headphone type
All headphones can be conditionally divided into several types depending on how they are connected to the sound source and what functions they perform.
A common design: headphones are connected to a sound source with a wire. You can find a Chinese name in the subway or take large, full-sized ones for tens of thousands. The price depends on the design of the “ears” and on the characteristics of the device.
If they are intended for use with a smartphone, then the connection will be via Bluetooth. There are also headphones for the home – they use a radio channel. In this case, you need to connect a portable station to the computer – it is usually included and use the headphones to “catch” the transmission.
TWS, or True Wireless
It is a separate type of wireless earbuds. They are also called completely wireless. In such devices, there is no wire not only between the earpiece and the sound source but also between the “ears”. In this category, earbuds black in color are quite famous all around the world.
When choosing wireless headphones, look at battery life. Conventional devices last about 10 hours depending on the volume. TWS – on average from 3 to 10 hours. The completely wireless ones have a storage case that first charges itself and then charges the headphones. Usually, its capacity is enough for 2-3 charges.
Construction type
Design in headphones refers to the shape of the device, depending on how it interacts with the ears.
“In-ear” or in-ear headphones
This is a compact type of device. They seem to lie in the auricle, but do not go deep, they sit loosely. Because of this, the sound during walking may change, and immersion does not work. On the other hand, with such headphones you can hear the world around you – it will be possible to react in time to sudden danger, for example, a car horn.
“Gags”, or in-ear headphones
They are also called vacuums. These headphones are like earplugs: they are inserted into the ear canal, and they sit tightly, isolating the surrounding sound. You need to be careful: too loud music can damage the eardrum.
Everyone’s ear canals are different, so it’s not certain that a pair of headphones that a friend praises for their snug fit won’t work for you.
large headphones that are pressed against the ears and are kept on the head due to a special arc. Such devices produce sound more powerful and deeper than compact models, but it is better to use them at home or when walking slowly – it is already difficult to run with them: on-ear headphones “walk” quite freely when you just move your head.
I heard a lot of negative feedback about this design: it’s uncomfortable, it seems to be big, but the sound is still worse than that of “gags”.
Full-size headphones
They are the “king” of all designs. This design is used by musicians, DJs, and sound engineers to hear the sound without interference. In them, large “bowls” are superimposed on the ear – it turns out that they are kept both due to the arc and due to soft ear cushions covering the ear.
This is not to say that any full-size headphones are good. But if you need quality headphones for music, then the best sound is worth looking for just in full-size headphones.
It seems to me that most of the comfort in use depends on the design of the “ears”. Headphones can be as powerful as you want and sound capacious and juicy, but if you don’t like wearing them, there will be no sense.