

Did you know that several of the cardiovascular disease risk factors you can influence through what you eat? High cholesterol, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, and psychosocial stress are estimated to be the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Three of these factors can be influenced by diet.

What are the cardiovascular conditions?

Cardiovascular conditions involve diseases of the heart and blood veins, such as heart attack, angina pectoris, intermittent claudication (smoking bone), and stroke. The deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels is a central part of the course of all these diseases. Therefore, a heart-preventing diet’s primary goal is to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is mostly done using healthier fat types, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and striving for average weight.

The essential elements of a heart-friendly diet

A heart-friendly diet means that you base most of your food intake on whole-grain products (whole meal bread, whole meal pasta, and whole meal rice), as well as plenty of fruit, vegetables, and berries. One should choose stomach protein sources and limit the intake of foods that contain a lot of saturated fat.

Lean protein sources

  • Legumes
  • White meat (chicken, turkey)
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Low-fat dairy products

Foods that should be restricted

  • Red meat and processed meat products.
  • Foods and beverages that carry a lot of sugar.
  • Light white flour baked goods, and sweet cereals.
  • Salt
  • Alcohol

Heart-friendly fatty acids (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) are used in moderate amounts in cooking and as a grease.

The plate model

In practice, this means that all meals are based on the plate model, where at least 1/3 of the plate is filled with vegetables or fruit, 1/3 is filled with coarse grain products or potatoes, and 1/3 is filled with legumes, fish, chicken, or other protein sources. Fats in sauces are reduced in quantity and based on healthy fatty acids. Such a diet will have a beneficial effect on both lipid profile, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Healthy fat

By lipid profile, we mean the composition of fats in the blood, ie, the level of triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, and good and bad cholesterol (HDL and LDL). The fat in the diet has different effects on our cholesterol. Saturated fats increase total cholesterol and LDL; monounsaturated fats have a moderate reducing impact, while the polyunsaturated fatty acids provide the greatest cholesterol-lowering. You should therefore reduce your intake of saturated fat and increase your intake of unsaturated fatty acids. Below you will find the primary sources of different forms of fat in the diet:

Sources of saturated fat

  • Fatty dairy products (butter, hard margarine, crème fraiche, sour cream, whipped cream, ice cream, and whole cheeses).
  • Mixed meat products (minced meat, medister dough, sausages, liver pate, salami, and napkin).
  • Coconut fat and palm fat.

Sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats

  • Vegetable oils (olive oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, walnut oil, and flaxseed oil).
  • Soft margarine and liquid margarine.
  • Mayonnaise and mayonnaise salads.
  • Avocados, nuts, and seeds.
  • Fat fish.

Trans fat

Trans fats are formed industrially by curing oils but are also found in fats from cattle and dairy products. These fatty acids are very detrimental to health, as they both increase total cholesterol and LDL, reduce HDL, increase inflammation, and weaken blood sugar regulation. Previously, one could find a high Trans fat content in margarine and some long-lasting products, such as biscuits, cakes and soup bags, and some imported food. After the margarine industry changed its raw materials, and there was also a ban on selling products containing more than 2% of the fatty acids as trans-fat, the average Norwegian intake has been less than 1% of the total energy intake. Fatty meat and dairy products today are our primary source of Trans fat.

Five a day

Fruits, berries, and vegetables contain little energy, a lot of fiber, and plenty of antioxidants. All this makes them suitable both to avoid obesity and to protect against diseases associated with oxidative stress. A high consumption of fruits and vegetables has been conferred to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Therefore, include fruits or vegetables in all daily meals and snacks.

Cholesterol-increasing coffee trend

Coffee contains a fat called coffee chair. This has a cholesterol-increasing effect and is the reason why people warn against the use of brewed coffee. Espresso and coffee from a press jug and capsule machines also contain this substance. However, the fat in the coffee can be removed by using a filter paper. Therefore, filter coffee and instant coffee do not have the same cholesterol-increasing effect and can also be used daily when you need to lower your cholesterol or use Fildena or Fildena 120.

Weight reduction

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is exceptionally true if the extra pounds are located around the waist. To determine if you are at risk, you can take a tape measure and check the waistline.

For men, the waist measurement should preferably not exceed 94 cm. Measurements of 102 cm or higher are associated with a significantly increased risk of disease.

The corresponding optimal size is 80 cm for women, while the health risk is increased dramatically at values ​​above 88 cm.

High blood pressure?

If you have high blood pressure, it is essential to regulate this through diet and possibly medication. Weight reduction and smoking cessation should be the first focus if these are current issues. Salt reduction has a blood pressure-lowering effect but requires a relatively strict regimen. Increased intake of fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, and low-fat dairy products have overall been shown to have just as good an effect. In addition, more physical activity is recommended.

Quit smoking

If you smoke, you should first and foremost concentrate on quitting. Smoking more than doubles the risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart attack. That is why no lifestyle change provides as great a health benefit as quitting smoking. Feel free to ask us about products that can help during the period you are weaned from the smoke. Cenforce 100mg and Cenforce 50 is the best cure for ED

By admin

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