

What is Nigella/Kalonji?

Kalonji is a spice used in Indian households. It is also being used in medicine since time immemorial. In English, it is called Black seeds or Nigella Seeds.

Its botanical name is ‘Nigella sativa’, which is derived from the Latin word neezer (i.e. black). It belongs to the Ranunculaceae family.

Its small grains are beneficial for health in many ways. They are rich in many salts and nutrients. In Ayurveda, it has been described as Sanjeevani herb.

What is Nigella used for?

As an Antioxidants:

Anti-oxidants play a very important role in our body. These prevent oxidation of cholesterol in the body.

This does not increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. In addition, anti-oxidants also provide protection to the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Better Heart Health:

Nigella seeds reduce the risk of heart related diseases by reducing bad cholesterol and blood triglyceride in the body.

Control Diabetes:

Kalonji is helpful in controlling diabetes. According to some studies, improvement in blood sugar level was observed in people consuming its powder. Apart from this, it also controls cholesterol level in people with diabetes.

Prevents Cancer:

Numerous studies have found that fennel contains some compounds that help prevent cancer. However, more research needs to be done on this.

Removes Swelling:

The nigella has anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in relieving inflammation of the body.

Better Liver Health:

Liver is a very important part of our body. This keeps the toxins out of the body and protects them from infection. According to a research, nigella provides liver protection against any type of injury and damage.

Helpful in losing weight:

Many studies show that black seeds reduce body mass index. According to research published in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, fennel oil is beneficial in reducing obesity.

Beneficial to increase sperm count:

According to a research, tests on men with abnormal sperm and infertility have found that kalonji oil can improve sperm motility.

It also helps with the following problems:

  • Increase memory and concentration
  • Helpful in maintaining hydration levels
  • Natural Painkiller (pain reliever)
  • Eliminate skin related problems
  • Headache
  • Toothache
  • Stomach Worms
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Parasites
  • Digestive tract infection
  • Respiratory Condition
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

How does Kalonji work?

Kalonji is a source of many salts and nutrients. Many types of amino acids and proteins are found in Kalonji. It is rich in iron, sodium, calcium, potassium and fibre. Because of these properties, fennel is very beneficial for our health.

Precautions and warnings

How safe is the use of Kalonji?

Consuming limited quantity of nigella seeds is fine. Excessive intake of this can be harmful. It is safe to take nigella powder and nigella oil as medicines for some time, but consult your doctor or pharmacist or herbalist if:

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, do not consume it without consulting a doctor. During pregnancy, the immunity of women is very weak. So you should consult your doctor before taking anything.

  • If you are taking any medicine.
  • If you are allergic to other drugs or herbs.
  • You have another type of illness, disorder or medical condition.

People who have low blood pressure should not consume it. This is likely to cause their blood pressure to be extremely low.

You have some kind of allergy, such as from certain food, dye, preservative or animal.

The rules for taking herbs are not more strict than medicines. However, further research is required to speak about its safety.

Before using this herb, understand its dangers and benefits. If possible, use it only after consulting your herbalist or doctor.

What side effects can I get from nigella?

  • Dermatitis
  • Skin allergy
  • Stomach upset
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation

These side effects are not necessarily visible in everyone. Some people may also have different side effects. If you need more information, consult a doctor or herbalist once.

The right dose to take nigella seeds

  • Patients with asthma can take two grams of fennel for 12 weeks or 500 ml of black seed oil twice a day for four weeks.
  • Diabetic Patients can take 1 gram of black seed powder twice a day for one year.
  • You can take 0.5-2 grams of black seed powder with high blood pressure daily for one year or 100-200 ml of black seed oil for 8 weeks.
  • To increase sperm count, take 2.5 ml black seed oil twice a day for two months.
  • Do not use the information given here as an alternative to medical advice. Do not use this medicine without the opinion of a doctor or herbalist.

What forms are available?

If you want to know the answer to any kind of question-related to nigella seeds, then it will be better to understand from the experts. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment

By admin

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